
Lesson7 Names and Addresses

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

I and most Japanese people express feelings emotions and facial expressions in various situation.
But I think American and another foreigner express more than Japanese!!

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese.

楽しみ  fun, enjoyment
幸せ happy, fortune
喜び pleasure, delight, joy
面白い funny, interesting, amusing
感動 emotion, move,impress
興奮 excitement, fever
不安 anxiety, fear
恐怖 terror, horror, scary
退屈 boring, dull
悲しみ sad, sorrow, grief
いらいら annoy, irritate

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

I think there are not.

Welcome Colgate University Students!

I talked with a Colgate University Student who is 20.
we have a lunch together and we talked a lot!!
I asked her "Do you interested in Japan?? Why??"
She answered her brother work in Hokkaido in Japan,
so she is interested in Japan, too.
When I heard about it, I was surprised!!
Because both of her and her brother are interested in Japan and
her brother wwork in Japan. It's very great!!
And her likes classical music, and I like American R&B music,
so I asked her about my favorite American musician.
But she don't know them!! I was surprised, too!!
however I don't know well about Japanese enka singers, too.

I didn't speak English well,
But I had a fun and I had valuable experience to know closs culture!!